Very minimal research would let you know that our friends Cannonball Press started in 1999, which makes it very difficult to have gained momentum from the 90’s “poster art Movement” (which I think actually started in 1891 with Toulouse-Lautrec maybe?) . I can’t recall them ever mentioning influence from any of these artists or poets mentioned during the nearly 10 years I’ve none them.
It has been common throughout history for someone who is ignorant to refer to something they know nothing about as “evil”. It’s obvious this person knows nothing at all about what they are saying in the second paragraph. (example Black Sabbath formed in 1969 not the 80’s … Beastie Boy’s in the 60’s/70’s …. Really? They must have been 8 years old then and Satanic?) More than offering something new I think what is happening here is there is a spirit that is being carried onto the next generation… not some dead, old, tired, ideas, from an overly academic zombie. The reason these kids are “impacted” is because they can relate to the work, the imagery, the camaraderie, and energy. If it didn’t have lasting cultural significance you wouldn’t have a past of this type of work to refer to. Has this person even looked at one single image to figure out that most of what they are seeing is their culture and world regurgitated back to them in the grotesque way it’s seen, or the spirit of the characters, or the amazing craftsmanship of the cuts, the care for the medium, the use of character and text to carry weight of meaning? And isn’t it ok to just make things? (and I don’t know if they have noticed but there is a lot being made) Ignorance pops up again with the tattoo comment. Has this person ever been into a good shop and seen the amazing history of flash, graphic drawings, extreme care and craftsmanship? Posterity you ask. How about the thorough lecture given by Driveby of the history of printmaking, or showing students how to pull prints, teaching them how democratic the medium is, showing them how to work together to make something bigger happen and worry more about living right now? You know, Richard Mock had more talent on a bead of sweat from his right testicle than the ignorant twat that wrote this poison for his students. I think Richard would think this was fuel for the fire. (and incase you didn’t know who Richard was, he did lino-cuts for the New York Times for 18 years… making images …. Like ours …. Posterity)
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